Our Stories
Physics In Our everyday Life
The role that physics plays in our everyday life is not easily comprehended and appreciated. In a developing country like South Africa we have our battles with poor science education, attracting women and girls into physics, learning physics in a rural setting with no lab and having to improvise, but we also have our highlights such as the SKA coming to South Africa, the discovery of the CAT machine and recently the digital laser in South Africa among other stories.
A Career For Khanyi Short Film
Most learners, parents and the general public are unaware of the different careers available in physics and how they actually impact our daily lives. This short documentary about the story of Khanyi, a grade 11 pupil, will help learners, educators, and the public get stimulated about physics career opportunities.

Mogofe Romulus Rocket First Prize Video Category
Brief Bio
My name is Romulus Rocket Mogofe. I am currently doing Grade 11 at Makhwese Secondary School. I chose to follow Mathematics and Sciences stream because I want to be a pharmacist after completing my studies. I like physical Sciences and exploring new things. The reason I chose pharmacy is that I want to find medicine(cure) for deseases that kill many people in the country and the world. I grew up at Ga-Mokgotho village and I would like to contribute towards the development of my village.
Summary of Submission
My video tells us how faraday’s law was used to generate electricity that we use to make our lives easier by using phones, refrigerators, bulbs, etc. It also tells how ethnologists used gas laws, such as Boyle’s law and Charles law to design a refrigerator that keeps our food fresh. It explains how RGB adaption colour of light, electromagnetic radiation and Radio waves were put together to make phones, laptops and televisions that we use for media and entertainment. It also speaks about how they used the heating effect of current to provide bulbs that we use to provide light when it is dark and stoves that help people cook and bake. It concludes by outlining how Newton’s First Law of Motion enlightened us about the importance of car safety features like seatbelts. Please view video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKTYenpQtIE

Mokgotho Dickson Second Prize Video Category
Brief Bio
I am Dickson Mokgotho from Ga Mokgotho I am a Grade 11 Student at Makhwese Secondary School. The stream I have chosen a science one (Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, Geography and Mathematics). I have chosen those streams because when I finish my studies I want be a medical doctor. I like to read my books and I have an uncontrollable love for mathematical equation.
Summary of Submission
My video was about what science has done for my community with focus on the use of X-rays for medical assistance. In the video I discussed how the X-rays operate, its importance, what it is and its advantages and disadvantages. I also discussed the parts of an X-ray and how each of them functions until the X-ray image is produced. Thank you. Please view video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6jB8XTCXbk

Mushaphi Khondani Third Prize Video Category
Brief Bio
My name is Mushaphi Khodani, I am currently in grade 11. I am interested in my studies with abandana love for Mathematics and Physical science and I hope to pursue my dream of becoming a Medical doctor by studying at the University of Cape Town.
Summary of Submission
My video was about what science has done for my community with focus on the use of X-rays for medical assistance. In the video I discussed how the X-rays operate, its importance, what it is and its advantages and disadvantages. I also discussed the parts of an X-ray and how each of them functions until the X-ray image is produced. Thank you. Please view video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjPtJ-pbwLQ